GeoBlue Navigator is a superb expat medical insurance option for those residing outside the U.S. Good Neighbor Insurance has provided the GeoBlue international medical benefits for over 15 years.
The GeoBlue Navigator is tailored made for organizations who fall under the “social good” business structure. What is a social good organization? Glad you asked! Here is a great definition (from this web site, “A good or service that benefits the largest number of people in the largest possible way. Some classic examples of social goods are clean air, clean water and literacy; in addition, many economic proponents include access to services such as healthcare in their definition of the social or “common good.”
Thus, the GeoBlue Navigator international medical insurance was tailored made to help those, you the expatriate, who are helping others!
Here are five advantages of having this...
GMMI (also known as Global Mission Medical Insurance) by IMG is one of our most popular plans for non-profits and staff with charitable organizations overseas whether faith-based or simply humanitarian.
IMG specializes in health plan option known for their rich benefits and affordability, and this particular plan for those overseas for more than 1 year has four levels to choose from: Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Platinum.
Bronze is for those seeking a “catastrophic-type plan for emergencies only. Silver is for those seeking low premiums and the most affordable options while still receiving essential benefits and travel options. Gold has a full-range of benefits especially for those knowing they are probably planning to live and work overseas indefinitely. Platinum
Have you heard about Giving Tuesday? An opportunity to make a difference while everyone else is trying to make money to pay back the credit card. Usually the fourth Tuesday in November, Giving Tuesday will be held Dec. 2, 2104 this year as an antidote to consumer excess, and a way for people to give back/declare their priorities in relation to those truly in need.
You can use these GivingTuesday logos (and the hashtag #GivingTuesday !) on your social media pages to help us get out the word and take back America from out-of-control consumerism. #GivingTuesday is a day for giving back. To those in real need. In your community. Around the globe. Join us by making a donation Tues, December 2, 2015!
Give to a local non-profit, to a worldwide charity such as World Vision, or a need around the world in the name of Giving Tuesday.
For those of us tired of getting up early and spending more money on more stuff that won’t make you happy…For those who understand the value...
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